Thursday, April 26, 2007

Travis and Sommer Wedding

Travis and I are FINALLY going to plan our wedding!
I started a new blog so everyone can keep up with our progress.
(Yes, I am blogging nerd now)

Anyways, check out our wedding plans at

1 comment:

tdstephens3 said...

Henry can blog, too.

There is such a thing as voice recognition software that converts speech into type. This technology is still cutting edge, but it is worth looking into. So, the good ones work by 'learning' speech patterns and then training the user, in this case Henry, how to punctuate and how to dictate in complete sentences, etc. I suggest getting a hold of the necessary equipment as soon as possible, because baby language is far more difficult for computers to 'learn' than regular adult language. Maybe you should teach Henry German, it is a more precise language than English, or American, rather. [Despite common perception, American is not the only language of the civilized human.]