Henry went to the doctor for his 4 month check up yesterday.
As of yesterday, Henry weighs 15 pounds 9 ounces and is 26 inches long!!
He is certainly growing up fast!
He has some new favorite activities which include:
- Watching Chloe and trying to grab her fur (Chloe isn't a big fan of this new game)
- Practicing crawling (we have the legs part down - we are just having difficulty with the arms part)
- Putting everything in our mouth (The new rule is
that a toy isn't any good if it can't go in your mouth)
- Practicing our words (Henry has a variety of new
squeals, coos and other sounds that he is working on)
As of yesterday, Henry weighs 15 pounds 9 ounces and is 26 inches long!!
He is certainly growing up fast!
He has some new favorite activities which include:
- Watching Chloe and trying to grab her fur (Chloe isn't a big fan of this new game)
- Practicing crawling (we have the legs part down - we are just having difficulty with the arms part)
- Putting everything in our mouth (The new rule is
that a toy isn't any good if it can't go in your mouth)
- Practicing our words (Henry has a variety of new
squeals, coos and other sounds that he is working on)
Oh, We've been waiting for this post!!
There is a cobbler out in the countryside that is working on a saddle for Chloe. Does Henry still fit in those cowboy boots he got from Grandma?
Unfortunately the cowboy boots no longer fit. These days clothes and shoes fit Henry for about an hour and a half before they are too small. Don't worry though - We are saving most things (including the cowboy boots) to remind Henry just how small he once was.
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